Web of Echoes – Book Tour and Giveaway

Deep Echoes
Web of Echoes Book 1
by Melody Ash
Genre: Time Travel Adventure 
She’s a no-holds-barred, kick-butt, don’t-cover-the-ugly-parts
archaeologist. History wants to teach her a lesson.​
The journey begins with a backpack and lip gloss.
Caitlin Benoit finds her blood quickened by a new, intriguing site. An
initial exploration leads to the discovery of a mysterious river rock
with peculiar etchings. Puzzled, she breaks all the rules to examine
the stone closer.
When she brushes away the dirt, 2017 folds away to leave Caitlin standing
in pre-Civil War Charleston. As she tries to work out how she time
traveled to 1859, Caitlin learns the terrifying risk she poses even
while she tries to return home.
Northern Echoes
Web of Echoes Book 2
She’s a no-holds-barred, kick-butt, don’t-cover-the-ugly-parts
archaeologist. History wants to teach her a lesson.
Adventures are launched with a parlor and a sword.
Caitlin Benoit assumed the next destination would be her time, her world.
Instead, the stone thrusts her further into the past and onto a
different continent. Now in 1831 England, she’s discovered by
William, the Duke of Lancaster. By sheer luck, he’s willing to allow
her into his manor.
While she fights to gain a footing in this new time, Caitlin discovers the
stone also ripped John from Charleston. Everything she thought she
knew about how the stone worked is false, and neither of them
understand how to escape the grip of the past.
As they work to uncover the mystery of the stone, an acquaintance of the
Duke plots an intricate scheme certain to destroy them all. She and
John must solve the puzzle, in an unknown amount of time, or risk
getting stuck–or buried–in 1831.
Sunken Echoes
Web of Echoes Book 3
She’s a no-holds-barred, kick-butt, don’t-cover-the-ugly-parts
archaeologist. History wants to teach her a lesson.
Discovery has an hourglass and a necklace.
Caitlin lands hard on the decks of an infamous ship–with only 24 hours
before it sinks, and John is missing.
Trapped in 1912 on the Titanic, sand is slipping through the hourglass as she
tries to jump ship before it plunges to the bottom of the Atlantic
Ocean. She meets Elizabeth, a woman with valuable knowledge about
time travel and how it works. Yet nothing is ever easy, and her new
friend’s memory proves to be unreliable.
As Caitlin searches for John, the grains of time slip away. She must put
the pieces together, or she’ll find herself in lying in a cursed
grave at the bottom of the ocean.
**Only .99 cents!!**
Melody grew up loving the endless possibilities fantasy and Sci-Fi held
between their pages or played on the big screen. At age ten, she
picked up a pencil and began coming up with stories of her own that
toyed with other worlds and the mysteries of this one.
When she’s not delving into the worlds created by words, she’s digging
into Ghiradelli chocolates and creating memories with her families.
Follow the tour HERE
for special content and a giveaway!


Divorce By Grand Canyon – Book Tour and Giveaway

Divorce By Grand Canyon: 8 Riveting True Crime Stories 
by Elizabeth Engstrom
Genre: Crime Thriller, Suspense

Christian Longo. 

Jeremy Bryan Jones. 

Joel Patrick Courtney. 

Patrick Wayne Kearney. 

Russell Obremski. 

Robert Spangler. 

Gabriel Morris. 

Killers all.
Veteran author Elizabeth Engstrom dives into the horrific stories of these seven serial killers, along with a glimpse into the maggoty world of forensic entomology. Why do these killers do what they do, how do they get away with it for so long, and what is their final undoing? Riveting true crime stories to make you lock your doors at night.
Elizabeth (Liz) Engstrom grew up in Park Ridge, Illinois (a Chicago suburb where she lived with her father) and Kaysville, Utah (north of Salt Lake City, where she lived with her mother). After graduating from high school in Illinois, she ventured west in a serious search for acceptable weather, eventually settling in Honolulu. She attended college and worked as an advertising copywriter.
After eight years on Oahu, she moved to Maui, found a business partner and opened an advertising agency. One husband, two children and five years later, she sold the agency to her partner and had enough seed money to try her hand at full time fiction writing, her lifelong dream. With the help of her mentor, science fiction great Theodore Sturgeon, When Darkness Loves Us was published.
Engstrom moved to Eugene, Oregon in 1986, where she lives with her husband Al Cratty, the legendary muskie fisherman, and their Duck Tolling Retriever, Jook. Liz holds a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing and a Master of Arts in Applied Theology, both from Marylhurst University. A recluse at heart, she still emerges into public occasionally to speak at a writers conference, or to teach a class on various aspects of writing the novel, essay, article or short story. An avid knitter and gardener, she is on faculty at the University of Phoenix and is always working on the next book.
$25 Amazon
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