My Fatal Futility – Book Tour and Giveaway


My Fatal Futility Book 1

by N J M Hemfrey

Genre: Cyberpunk, Time Travel

In a neo-Japanese inspired future, comes a cyberpunk epic with a razor-sharp time travel edge.

Kage Carnifex never bleeds easily. He’s stronger than the slickest cybernetics. And the chip in his brain whispers the value of violence.

Kage is the last product of a dead corporation. When he is scraped off the streets by another megacorp, Kage plunges headlong into an unforgiving world of unbreakable contracts, absolute loyalty, and soulful devotion beyond what he thought possible.

Yet, the psychotic butchers from his shrouded past cannot be escaped forever, nor their malicious masters denied Kage’s life. Blood is owed and carnage is coming to carve everything Kage loves apart.

And the secret to surviving may lie within a device Kage can’t control; the chrono-disruptor — a time machine — but time is a fatal thing…

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My Fatal Futility Book 2

Return to the high-octane, ultra-violent world of the 25th century: where cybernetics, bionetics, and bionics blur the lines between people, robots, and beasts; where a secret sinister syndicate play the strings of apocalypse; and where the river of time runs with a fatalistic flow.

Honour-bound, tough as titanium, Kage Carnifex follows two paths that twist his head and heart. One turns him towards the past for love and strife in the climate-ravaged steppe of Norvono. The other fires him into the future under a new captain and a new strategy to devastate Psychosisium.

But seeing the truth of his destiny and origin is barbed with manipulation and betrayal. The hologram ghost of an archenemy promises answers to avoid armageddon. While the malfunctioning chip inside Kage’s head seeks greater control of his body.

Facing off against temporal assassins, teleporters, and butcher-bots has never been deadlier. Fortified by samurai-instincts and bulletproof flesh, Kage plunges into the depths of this neon nightmare — where good deeds make devils and the worst make gods.

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N J M Hemfrey has degrees in Philosophy and Sociology, and Information and Library Studies, and is an administrator for a charity. He lives with his fiancé Kasha, who is the best individual to spend existence with, whether in lockdown, the apocalypse, or more normal things like the cinema, or wandering around old castles. He is an utter movie, book, video game and comic enthusiast, especially for the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres. One of his greatest frustrations is that there is not enough time in the universe to ever finish the lists of things he wants to do.

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Take Me To the Lake – Book Tour and Giveaway

Take Me To the Lake

Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 3

by Kaci Rose

Genre: Billionaire Mountain Man Romance

Someone is watching me. Luckily my mountain man is watching over me.


I didn’t think they would find me here. I moved to the small town of Whiskey River three months ago, hoping I would finally be safe from my past. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I can breathe easier.

Then I meet the mountain man who makes my breath quicken. And my heart race.

He’s my protector – safe in his strong arms.

But my past is coming for me… and he might end up paying the price.


The tracks along the treeline were my first clue. I might not have experience with women, but I know my way around the woods. And Hope is not safe living out here alone.

And I’m pretty sure that’s my fault.

Her stalker knows I have money, and that I’ll pay any price to keep the woman I love safe from harm.

But what her stalker doesn’t know is that I plan on making them pay instead.

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**Don’t miss the other Mountain Men of Whiskey River!**

Take Me to the River

Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 1

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Take Me to the Cabin

Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 2

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Kaci runs on coffee, chocolate, and Oreos. She loves her book boyfriends with tattoos, muscles, beards, and a little dirty.

Kaci loves romance books and has been jotting down ideas since she was in high school and is now putting the ideas down on paper. She believes in satisfying, happily ever afters with a lot of steam on the way.

She was born and raised in Southwest Florida but is wholeheartedly a mountain girl. She has been reading as many books as she could get her hands on since grade school and loves to travel when she gets the chance.

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