Girls, Assassins & Other Bad Ideas – Book Tour and Giveaway

Girls, Assassins & Other Bad Ideas

by Mae Wagner

Genre: Memoir

The only daughter of a bipolar woman, Mae’s childhood innocence was bartered for the ease of a “secure” life. At twelve years old and after years of abuse, Mae realizes she must fight for herself. When she is sent away from her family, she’s forced to navigate years of abandonment in a children’s home.
Throughout her turbulent adolescence and well into adulthood, the need to be seen as enough and the ache to become a mother shaped her life. It is this heartbreaking journey that leads to her deepest loss.
Girls, Assassins & Other Bad Ideas is a collection of personal essays shining light where abuse and trauma-induced shame brought darkness. As life often led toward grief, Mae reflects back on her most shattering moments—nearly always tied to the women she loved the deepest. The poignant reflections through Mae’s heartbreak, grief and eventual self-acceptance will serve as an inspiration to those navigating hardship and trauma, reminding us we are not alone.  

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Mae Wagner is a writer, speaker, mentor, and host of the Rainy Day Collective Podcast.

Mae is a Trauma Mentor with a heart for connecting with women who have been through hard things, and helping them reconnect with themselves. Her passion is advocating for, and supporting women. Women’s issues are closest to her heart and daily Mae is working to prove that women’s stories matter. Women’s voices deserve to be heard.

When she isn’t working with clients, or focusing on the podcast, Mae is penning her memoir, which she hopes to publish when the time is right. More of a gypsy soul, currently residing in Pennsylvania with her husband, their golden retriever Elenor and the sassy kitten they rescued in the middle of the pandemic- Mae is grateful for the opportunity to journey alongside women, as an advocate, ally, cheerleader, sometimes counselor and genuine friend.

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The Ghost’s Daughter – Book Tour and Giveaway

The Ghost’s Daughter

The Army Brat Hauntings Book 1

by Cary Herwig

Genre: YA Paranormal

New schools.
New friends.
No money.

Life as an Army Brat is always challenging. Especially when you’re being haunted.

In the summer of 1956, in the midst of the Cold War, Vivien Brewer, army brat, moves with her family to Camp Breckinridge. She and her sister join friends exploring a nearby abandoned hospital. She’s been told not to go there, but the rumors of treasure prove too great a temptation. What she finds is the spectral revenant of a World War II nurse who wants something and expects Vivien to deliver. Soon she’s in mortal danger, and so are her family and friends. If she can’t deliver what the ghost demands, no one is safe.

Vivien tries to get help, but her father and doctor think her hallucinations must be hormonal. Only her mother knows better—because Vivien inherited a gift from her. Refusing to run or hide, Vivien embarks on the greatest adventure of her young life—and quite possibly, the last one.

Close the doors. Shut the blinds. Turn out the lights. This is a book best read after dark. Just make sure no one is peering over your shoulder…

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CARY HERWIG is a retired archivist living in Oklahoma.  She grew up as an army brat moving every year or two.  She writes science fiction, fantasy, horror, and mystery under different names and has published both novels and short fiction for several decades.  She lives in Oklahoma with her husband, but gets restless every few years, wondering if it’s time to move again.

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The Elf King’s Sacrifice – Book Tour and Giveaway

The Elf King’s Sacrifice

Elves of Eldarlan Book 3

by Elisa Rae

Genre: Fantasy Romance

The King of Eldarlan hates parties. Superficial conversations and social niceties never come easy for him. When cursed to host human princesses at a party every night, he considers it mild torture until an unusual princess appears one night. Wrapped in a worn robe with bare feet and tousled hair, she intrigues him immediately

Kate had been a princess only a matter of hours before being pulled from her bed by a magical spell. It drops her in an enchanted garden populated by silent elves and princesses of various ages. Attempting to avoid the unsolicited advice of her new peers, she retreats to the dark hedge maze where she encounters her host.

The Elf King’s Sacrifice is a light, fantasy romance novella with a romance between a powerful elf king and an unusual human princess. It features friends to lovers amid curses and chronic illness. Also included is a marriage of necessity, an adorable puppy, and a relaxed alpha hero.

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**Don’t miss the other books in the series!**

The Elven Spymaster’s Thief

Elves of Eldarlan Book 1

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The Shadow Elf’s Rescuer

Elves of Eldarlan Book 2

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A reader of fairytales and folklore, Elisa Rae loves a happy ending. Noblebright characters, dastardly villains, and chemistry between characters delight her. When she isn’t writing, she loves to watch superhero movies and literary dramas.

Elisa Rae is the pen name of Rachel Rossano.

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