Snow in July – Book Tour and Giveaway

Snow in July
by Kim Iverson Headlee
Genre: Medieval Paranormal Romance 
From the award-winning pen of Kim Iverson Headlee comes the exciting,
poignant love story of a distressed damsel who wields a fierce
fireplace poker and the smoking hot knight she must save from himself.
~ Kemberlee Lugo-Shortland, Heart of Fiction
Sir Robert Alain de Bellencombre has been granted what every man wants: a
rich English estate in exchange for his valiant service at the Battle
of Hastings. To claim this reward, the Norman knight must wed the
estate’s Saxon heiress. Most men would leap at such an opportunity,
but for Alain, who broke his vow to his dying mother by failing to
protect his youngest brother in battle, it means facing more easily
broken vows. But when rumors of rampant thievery, dangerous beasts,
and sorcery plaguing a neighboring estate reach his ears, nothing
will make him shirk duty to king and country when people’s lives
stand at risk. He assumes the guise of a squire to scout the land,
its problems, and its lady.
Lady Kendra of Edgarburh has been granted what no woman wants: a forced
marriage to an enemy who may be kith or kin to the man who murdered
her beloved brother. Compounding her anguish is her failure to awaken
the miraculous healing gift bequeathed by their late mother in time
to save his life. Although with his dying breath, he made her promise
to seek happiness above all, Kendra vows that she shall find neither
comfort nor love in the arms of a Norman… unless it snows in July.
Alain is smitten by Lady Kendra from the first moment of their meeting;
Kendra feels the forbidden allure of the handsome and courtly Norman
“squire.” But a growing evil overshadows everyone, invoking
dark forces and ensnaring Kendra in a plot to overthrow the king
Alain is oath-bound to serve. Kendra and Alain face a battle unlike
any other as their honor, their love, their lives, and even their
very souls lie in the balance.
Kim Headlee lives on a farm in southwestern Virginia with her family,
cats, goats, Great Pyrenees goat guards, and assorted wildlife.
People and creatures come and go, but the cave and the 250-year-old
house ruins–the latter having been occupied as recently as the
mid-twentieth century–seem to be sticking around for a while yet.
Kim has been a published novelist since 1999 with the
first edition of Dawnflight (Sonnet Books, Simon & Schuster) and
has been studying the Arthurian legends for nigh on half a century.
Follow the tour HERE
for exclusive content and a giveaway!


Bishop Takes Knight – Book Tour and Giveaway

Bishop Takes Knight
Redclaw Origins Book 1
by McKenna Dean
Genre: Paranormal Romance 
New York, 1955. Former socialite Henrietta (“Rhett”) Bishop,
destitute after her father gambles away the family fortune, takes a
job at Redclaw Security. But Redclaw is no ordinary operation. Part
detective firm and part enforcement agency, Redclaw regulates matters
involving the growing population of shifters who have emerged since
the onset of the nuclear age.
Peter Knight is a nuclear scientist shattered by the death of his wife.
Blacklisted by the government and scientific organizations, he drowns
his sorrows while searching for the people behind his wife’s murder.
When Rhett is assigned to recruit Knight, their meeting is more than
either bargained for—a rival organization will do anything to
secure Knight for themselves. Following a lead to locate a missing
cache of alien technology stolen from Redclaw, Rhett is thrown back
into her previous glittering life with Knight as her pretend
boyfriend. But when someone from the past turns up to start a bidding
war on the artifacts, Bishop and Knight wind up in a fight for their
very lives.
McKenna Dean has been an actress, a vet tech, a singer, a teacher, a
biologist, and a dog trainer. She’s worked in a genetics lab, at
the stockyard, behind the scenes as a props manager, and at a pizza
parlor slinging dough. Finally she realized all these jobs were just
a preparation for what she really wanted to be: a writer.
She lives on a small farm in North Carolina with her family, as well as
the assorted dogs, cats, and various livestock.
She likes putting her characters in hot water to see how strong they are.
Like tea bags, only sexier.
Follow the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!